Doctors Hill Road
Doctors Hill Rd is 25km south of Whangarei off S.H.1 at Ruakaka,
1km south of Marsden Point turn off on right, 800m to roadside pit
area before bridge.
Crows Nest Road
Head north on S.H.1 to Hukerenui (30km), 100m past Hukerenui
garage, turn left into Crows Nest Rd, 2km to quarry road entrance, pit
area on right hand side of road.
Hartnell Road
Take Oakleigh/Paparoa road off S.H.1 south of Whangarei, follow
Waiotira signs (approx. 20 km) at railway siding turn right into Mititai
Rd, 500m left into Ararua Rd, 200m to Waiotira Domain gate (pit
area). To start: Left out of domain, 2.5 km to Hartnell Rd on left.
From finish: Left into Stead Rd, left into Taipuha Rd 3 km to left into
Mititai Rd and domain.
Hilford Road
Leave S.H. 1 at Oakleigh follow Waiotira signs to Hilford Rd on right
(approx 20km). Pit area on road side after second bridge.
Mangapai Road
Turn off S.H. 1 at Oakleigh – Paparoa intersection, 5km to Mangapai
Caves Rd (800m past Mangapai Hall) on left. Hillclimb pits starts off
the end of tarmac, hillclimb start line is around the corner.
Morgans Road
From Whangarei take S.H. 14 to Maungatapere right into
Mangakahia Rd, continue to Titoki Area School, past the school cross
over Mangakahia river bridge, immediately on left take Houto Rd,
continue to Morgan Rd approx 7km on left.
Ormandy Road
Take Maungakaramea turnoff 12km south of Whangarei,7km to
Ormandy Rd on left, travel to bottom of the hill. Competitors from the
south, alterative route, turnoff S.H.1 at Oakleigh/Paparoa intersection,
continue to top of the hill, turn right into Ormandy Rd just before
Mangapai hall, 5k to start. Service areas on roadside.
Paiawa Road
Turn off S.H 1 at Oakleigh / Paparoa intersection, follow Waiotira
signs. At Waiotira turn into Mititai Rd over railway bridge and up the
hill past golf club 7km to Paiawa Rd on left.
Springfield Road
From north turn right into Springfield Rd immediately before the
Caltex service station, 7.5 km to start. From south turn left into
Salmon Rd at Mata, 4.1 km to left into Springfield Rd, 3km to start.
Waitangi Forest
Head to Paihia, travel through Paihia to left at roundabout at northern
end, continue to Haruru Falls, turn right into Falls Rd continue up the
hill to Mt Bledisloe reserve, forest entry gate on the left, through gate
turn right and continue down the hill to turn left at intersection, approx
2km to service area in the vicinity of sewerage pond road turnoff.
the Northland Car Club since 1955